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A few methods to gather 10,000 users in a short period and the probability seen through data - Viral Marketing

A few methods to gather 10,000 users in a short period and the probability seen through data - Viral Marketing

To run a business, you need customers. Generally, you may think of advertising.There are many advertising channels, such as Google, YouTube, Facebook,Instagram, Naver Search & Display ads, which you may have heard of andexperienced in real life. Why do the majority of companies fail to generaterevenue through advertising and eventually go out of business, even though thebusiness is as simple

Bubble.io - Complete review of the No Code Tool

Bubble.io - Complete review of the No Code Tool

Complete guide ever of no code tool, 'Bubble'

5 Components of a Perfect SEO Marketing Strategy

5 Components of a Perfect SEO Marketing Strategy

Are you struggling with how to start marketing your startup, and where tobegin?If so, start with SEO marketing that doesn't cost you anything! Inessence, SEO marketing means building a website that is search engine-friendly,like a blog, and encouraging users to search and visit the site directly, ratherthan through ads. It maximizes the quantity and quality of traffic throughnatural search re

B2C vs B2B: Which is More Profitable?

B2C vs B2B: Which is More Profitable?

Discuss the differences in profitability between B2C and B2B models in the SaaS sector. B2C models typically have larger market sizes but shorter sales cycles and higher churn rates, while B2B models focus on smaller, niche markets with longer sales cycles but potentially higher-value contracts and more stable customer relationships. The profitability for each model depends on various factors including the company's specific goals, resources, and market dynamics.

How to build a B2B SaaS Sales Pipeline?

How to build a B2B SaaS Sales Pipeline?

If you are developing B2B products, sales are essential to sell your products tocustomers. Therefore, most B2B companies put much effort into increasing salesefficiency. The reason is that when sales efficiency increases, revenuenaturally increases. However, many companies are struggling to build a propersales pipeline. In this article, we will explore how to build a sales pipeline,specifical

The 10 Core Principles of a Lean Startup

The 10 Core Principles of a Lean Startup

The Lean Startup is a methodology developed by entrepreneur Eric Ries, whichemphasizes the importance of testing and validating ideas quickly andefficiently in order to build a successful business. The Lean Startup helpsfounders reduce risk by validating hypotheses and iterating experiments.  Thecore principles of the Lean Startup can be summarized as follows: The Principlesof Lean Startup:1.

What is Churn and Why is it important?

What is Churn and Why is it important?

Churn Rate refers to a metric that measures the number of customers who havestopped using a service during a specific period. This metric is crucial in theSaaS (Software as a Service) industry, which operates on a subscription businessmodel. In recent times, with intensifying marketing competition, preventingcustomer churn has become more important than acquiring new customers. Thisarticle ai

Email Marketing Explained: Top 5 Strategies for Success in 2023

Email Marketing Explained: Top 5 Strategies for Success in 2023

Explore the World of Email Marketing: Learn the Basics, Effective Strategies, and Key Tips. Uncover the significance of this marketing method, debunk myths, and find guidance on building subscriber lists, crafting content, and optimizing your approach.

What is MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) and How to calculate it?

What is MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) and How to calculate it?

MRR, or Monthly Recurring Revenue, is a crucial metric in subscription-basedbusinesses. It indicates the total monthly recurring income generated from allsources and assumes a similar income will be received in subsequent months.However, if a large contract results in a significant increase in income, it maybe necessary to evaluate whether or not it should be included in the MRRcalculation. I

Running Blogs for Customer Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide

Running Blogs for Customer Acquisition: A Comprehensive Guide

Blogging is a proven method for increasing customer acquisition, as it drivestraffic to your website, positions your brand as a thought leader in yourindustry, and provides valuable information to potential customers. In thisarticle, we’ll take a closer look at why running a blog is an effective customeracquisition tool, and share the results of a Waveon SEO test to demonstrate theimpact that

What is Lean Canvas?

What is Lean Canvas?

Lean Canvas is a 1-page business plan template that helps entrepreneurs quicklyand effectively communicate their business idea and plan. It was created by AshMaurya, an entrepreneur and author, as a way to simplify and streamline thetraditional business plan.The History of the Lean CanvasThe Lean Canvas,pioneered by entrepreneur Ash Maurya, emerged as a response to the limitationsof tradition

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